Monthly Archives: July 2010

How to Install the Bayesian Feed Filter

The Bayesian Feed Filter (BayesFF) is an optional interface for the popular sux0r software package. To be able to use the BayesFF interface you only need to follow the normal process for installing sux0r and make a few edits in the sux0r configuration file.

The BayesFF interface will allow you to use the API and the web interface developed by the BayesFF project. In general, installing sux0r is a simple process that takes less than 30 minutes to complete, depending of the type of PHP configuration found in your web server. You may want to ask your IT support team to install sux0r for you, if you are not familiar with installing and configuring PHP packages that would require access to the web server configuration files. However, if you wish to install sux0r yourself, the following detailed installation guide would help you.

A. Prerequisites

* Configuring PHP to enable mb, gd, and PDO libraries:
– mb is non-default extension and you need to explicitly enable it with the configure option. See webpage for details
– gd represents the GD library that you will need to install (available at and enable with the configure PHP command. See webpage for details
– PDO driver is enabled by default as of PHP 5.1.0, but you may need to enable it to work with MySQL. Please consult the documentation at and web pages to find out more about PDO installation.

* MySQL 5.0.x, set to support UTF characters
(Further information on

* Apache 2.x webserver with mod_rewrite module enabled
(a simple but good tutotial on enabling mod_rewrite can be found at

B. Installation

To install sux0r code on your web server:
1. Login to your server and go to the directory where you want to install sux0r
2. Execute the following Unix command:
svn export
3. Execute these two commands:
chmod 777 ./data
chmod 777 ./temporary

To create the MySQL database and tables for sux0r:
4. Create a database named “sux0r” on your MySQL server
5. Import ./supplemental/sql/db-mysql.sql into MySQL

C. Configuartion

1. From the shell, execute these commands:
mv ./sample-config.php ./config.php
mv ./sample-.htaccess ./.htaccess

2. Edit ./config.php and ./.htaccess appropriately (follow the instructions included inside these files.) The changes you need to make are pretty obvious.

Edit Database Connection: $CONFIG[‘DSN’]
Edit URL for your intallation of sux0r: $CONFIG[‘URL’]
Edit Title: $CONFIG[‘TITLE’]
If you want to use the BayesFF interface, you will need to change the default value of the $CONFIG[‘PARTITION’] configuration parameter found in config.php,
$CONFIG[‘PARTITION’] = ‘sux0r’;
$CONFIG[‘PARTITION’] = ‘bayesff’;

3. To check your installation, run the ./supplemental/dependencies.php script from your browser. Example:
http://yourwebsite/sux0r210/supplemental/dependencies.php (If there are no errors OK will be returnes with a link to your new installation.

4. If the previous step didn’t produce any error, point your web browser to http://yourwebsite/sux0r210/supplemental/root.php’ and follow the onscreen instructions to make yourself a sux0r root user.

5. Setup a CRON job to fetch RSS feeds every x minutes (we recommend you to start by running the CRON every 60 minutes). The PHP script that fetches the feeds is already provided by sux0r and it is available at http://yourwebsite/sux0r210/modules/feeds/cron.php
For example:
0 * * * * /bin/nice /usr/bin/wget -q -O /dev/null “http://yourwebsite/sux0r210/modules/feeds/cron.php” > /dev/null 2>&1

6. Delete the ./supplemental directory from the webserver.

Sux0r should now be successfully installed on your website.

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